
Improving Teachers' Productivity with a School Management System

Written by Bryan Koh | Nov 2, 2021 9:09:53 AM

With the constant evolution of technology in the education arena, traditional methods of teaching are changing. From recording daily attendance to managing piles of paperwork, preparing assignments, assigning homework, mapping student performance, releasing results, and conducting parent-teacher conferences, there is a lot to do.

Luckily, school management systems exist in this era and we break down how it can help improve a teacher’s productivity. This means teachers can focus more on teaching, rather than spending unnecessary time on their daily tasks.

Digital Attendance to Ease Attendance-Taking 

Say goodbye to marking attendance with a paper and pen at the school’s entrance when a child is being dropped off or picked up. With a digital attendance-taking system such as Little Check In by LittleLives, teachers can save plenty of time. By simply taking a check-in and out photo, the students’ temperature and any visual heath remarks are also recorded in the same app.

Enhanced Evaluation Performance

With a school management system, teachers can increase productivity in their efforts when preparing for their students’ evaluation progress. Once the evaluation checklist is ready, teachers can import it into a digitised copy where they can simply mark or type any observations into it. This not only reduces printing costs, but also helps with ensuring they have an organised manner in keeping track of these records.

Better Home-and-School Partnerships

A positive home-and-school partnership is important to ensure the student’s progress is well looked after. It can be quite hectic for teachers to get all sorts of information sorted for multiple children before sending it to the big group of parents. Luckily, with a parent app such as Little Family Room, teachers can communicate seamlessly with parents. This proactive approach allows parents to also be more involved in their child’s progress and boosts the teacher’s workload too.

Optimised Portfolio Feature

Imagine taking tonnes of photos and videos of a student’s journey in school and finding it hard to share it with parents. Well, with a school management system and an integrated app for teachers, they can simply capture precious moments on the spot and publish (or schedule) them for parents to view on their end. This integrated app also allows teachers and parents to communicate without sharing any personal information from both parties.

Overall Wellbeing Leads to Increase Productivity

A happy and satisfied teacher is more motivated and has a greater impact on student learning. Job dissatisfaction is exacerbated by a lack of time, resources, and proper direction. They can focus more on teaching well if they use the school management system to help with other tasks. The app's main goal is to reduce workload while increasing productivity, efficiency, and performance, and ultimately providing job satisfaction to teachers.

This way, teachers can focus on other matters, such as improving their skillsets or further their professional development. Luckily for teachers, LittleLives has created LittleAcademy, a professional development platform for teachers that allows them to complete tasks in their own time and provide them an opportunity to grow.

Find out more about how a school management system can help teachers increase productivity in schools at