
Staff Management Process of LittleLives

Written by Isabella Wong | Dec 27, 2021 2:54:06 AM

First of all, why choose LittleLives as your school management system?

LittleLives is a smart school management system designed to make parents’ lives easier. It is the nervous system for schools around which other technologies are incorporated. It is a master plan to regulate administrative operations in a consolidated, integrated, efficient and smooth way to increase the productivity of the school, which ultimately benefits students and parents.

How LittleLives makes life easier for your staff

LittleLives gives school owners and administrators an overview of school operations and digitizes administrative tasks. This also leads to freeing up teachers’ time to focus on teaching and provide greater accountability to students’ progress.

1. Teachers can track student progress and evaluations

Teachers are given the privilege of being in charge of students’ learning and development. An effective school management system like Little Lives lets teachers track their learning and evaluation effectively, and also tracks their teaching through various media (photos, videos, text) to share with parents. Teachers can access a portfolio of students’ learning that is continuously updated all year round. They can also work with school management to personalise learning standards by tailoring the school curriculum to its developmental framework. 

2. Staff can easily extract various types of reports for data analytics

Either teachers or school administrators can consolidate monthly digital sheets for presentation to management. Staff are empowered with the technology to conduct data analysis on student, staff and school administration statistics. With school records organized and readily available, schools can prepare well for audits.

3. Staff can easily keep track of school happenings

All staff can stay updated on school happenings through a dashboard and centre log and can update one another internally on incidents throughout the day. By being able to share real-time updates, all staff can contribute to a smoother school management process. Virtual shared school calendars allow staff and teachers to keep track of school events like parent-teacher meetings, or assessments. Reminders and notices can also be posted on the school bulletin for parents and staff to note. Even when not physically in school, you can be updated on school happenings and staff movement.

Feel free to check out LittleLives, the leading school management system and contact them to get first hand experience in transforming into a smart school.