
Why is a Smart School Management System Becoming a Necessity?

Written by Sofia Meor | Dec 31, 2021 1:53:53 PM

There are various problems associated with managing daily school operations, which is shared by all the communities such as teachers, administrators, parents and students. One of the ways in which schools can boost their management and operational efficiency is by implementing a smart school management system.

Aside from the fact that many schools are still debating whether to keep their current manual methods or change them. It is especially difficult to progress if we are constantly reverting to manual methods of school operations, which is no longer relevant today. 

Schools will be able to make decisions on the need to implement a school management system, if they have a strong understanding of why it is important for the future. 

Efficient parent-teacher communication

A school management system simplifies communication from one party to another. It provides features that enable people to connect and communicate. Whether the administration wishes to send a message to all parents or a parent wishes to communicate with teachers or school personnel about a specific concern regarding their children.

Either way, the aim is to simplify communication and make it easier for everyone to communicate effectively and efficiently. Our Little Family Room allows parents and teachers to communicate directly to one another through our system. While teachers can also opt to broadcast a message to the entire school hassle-free!

Personalised system

We understand that every school most likely has its own personalised system that it prefers to use in their school operations. That is why with LittleLives’ school management system, schools are able to do exactly that. Our smart school management system is able to tailor to the needs of individual schools.

Scalability, language switching and other characteristics are moulded into our school management system. Hence, schools are able to implement their current school methods into our system for a more customizable user experience.

Improving the quality of teaching

The efficiency of a school management system will undoubtedly have a direct impact on the branding of a school. Not only will it have a positive impact on teachers, but students and parents too!

Teacher’s are able to utilise the system to organise student lessons, store student materials on the portal for all student’s to access, and schedule classes. Not to forget, with a school attendance management system, like Little Check In, enables schools to track students, teachers and staff presence too. 

In this digital era, a technology-friendly system is an essential part of learning. And with a smart school management system we are able to achieve this efficiency.

The importance of parenting

In this day and age, parents want to be active and involved in their children’s education. The educational system is no longer like what it used to be -- where parents are isolated from their children’s learning progress. With the implementation of a smart school management system, schools can now move towards a more open and active learning environment for not just students, but their parents as well. 

Our Little Family Room is able to notify parents about their children’s academic and skill progress in their children’s portal, when it is shared by their teachers. This way, parents can continuously monitor their children’s performance and also communicate with teachers when it’s needed.

Seamless & secure fee management 

A seamless and secure fee management benefits both schools and parents. It is quick, simple and also makes record-keeping easier. While many schools are still accustomed to working with excel and file-based systems, it is definitely not difficult to move away from that and start a digital fee payment system.

With the implementation of the digital fee payment system, schools no longer need to manually collect fee payment and the good news is that you save a lot of time and paper too!

To sum it up

The reasons listed above are the most common, but they are not the only solutions provided by a school management system. 

Choosing the right school management system may require a significant investment of time, money, and effort in transitioning your school to a new operating system. Hence, it's critical to know what you're getting yourself into.

If you are still looking for a system that works well and meets the needs of your school’s operations, get in touch with LittleLives to see how we can help!